Regent of Tabanan Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti Receive TOP Trustees BUMD Awards 2016
Regent of Tabanan Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti receive TOP Trustees Awards 2016.  The  Enterprises nationwide was  accepted in hall D hall building Jakarta International Expo ( JI Expo ) , Kemayoran , Jakarta , Thursday ( 5/5 ) .

Top Trustees Awards 2016 , given to the Regional Head of the enterprises under its assistance managed to improve performance and achieve TOP BUMD 2016. Given the success of enterprises is inseparable from the support and guidance of the Head , a local .
Regent of Tabanan Ni Putu  Eka Wiryastuti  said , taps Tabanan quite populist. Stay puts the interests of poor people and rates among the most inexpensive taps .

Regent Eka also said  this is one of the achievements of the many achievements that have been gained. Of the many stages of a very difficult vote taps can get TOP enterprises in 2016. " That is very supportive of me as a builder , I hope this program continues to benefit is the society " , he concluded.

