Governor Bali Submits the Bali Draft Constitution to the Indonesian Parliament

  • 26 November 2019
  • 23:24 WITA
  • News, Jakarta

Bali Governor Wayan Koster conveyed the aspirations of the Balinese people by submitting the Bali Province Bill to the Indonesian House of Representatives on Tuesday (November 26, 2019).

On that occasion the Governor of Bali was accompanied by the Chairperson of the Bali DPRD, Members of the DPR RI in the Electoral District of Bali, Members of the DPD RI in the Electoral District of Bali, the Regent / Mayor of Bali, and the Chairperson of the Regency / City of Bali, as well as a number of institutional leaders including the Chairperson of the Bali Traditional Village Council , Chair of Parisada Province of Bali, Chair of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Bali, Chair of PW NU Bali, Chair of PW Muhammadiyah Bali, Chair of Walubi Bali, Chair of PGI Bali, and a number of Chancellors of Higher Education in Bali.

The delegation of the Governor of Bali was received by the leadership and members of Commission II of the Indonesian Parliament in charge of Regional Government.

"The purpose of our visit to the Indonesian Parliament is to convey the aspirations of the Balinese people regarding the Bali Province Bill," Governor Koster explained. He explained that the proposed draft of the Bali Province Bill and academic texts which had been prepared for one year. "Various components of Balinese society since 2005 want the Province of Bali to be shaded with laws that can be used to strengthen the existence of Bali with the wealth and uniqueness of customs, traditions, arts, culture, and local wisdom that has proven to be an attraction of the world community, " Governor Koster said.

Governor Koster said, at this time, the Province of Bali was formed with Law Number 64 of 1958 concerning the Establishment of Level I Regions of Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara; which is still based on the Provisional Constitution of 1950 (1950 Constitution) and in the form of the Republic of Indonesia (RIS). The material in the Act is no longer in accordance with the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945 Constitution) and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and is less able to accommodate the needs of the changing times in the development of Bali.

He emphasized, as a process, the Bali Province Bill had already been presented / socialized in front of the DPR members in Bali Dapil, DPD RI Bali Dapil Members, Leaders and Members of the Bali Provincial DPRD, Bali Regent / Mayor, Chairperson of Bali Regency / City DPRD, Chairperson of the Institution of Religious Organization for all Religions in Bali, and Community Leaders in Bali.

"Limited exposure and outreach has been carried out 2 times: January 16, 2019 at the Bali Governor's Office and November 23, 2019, at the Gajah Room, Bali Governor's Residence," Governor Koster said. In this socialization, all parties were very supportive with the signatures of the DPR RI Members of the Bali Dapil DPR, the DPD RI Members of the Bali Dapil DPD, the Chairperson of the Bali Provincial DPRD, the Regent / Mayor of Bali, and the Chairperson of the Regency / City DPRD in Bali, and the Leaders of all Public Institutions. religious people, and Chancellor of Higher Education in Bali.

The basic consideration of the Bali Province Bill is the harmonious relationship between humans and God Almighty, between humans, and between humans and their natural environment based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy which is based on the values ​​of Balinese local wisdom, which are 6 (six) main sources of welfare and happiness Balinese life (Sad Kerthi) needs to be maintained, developed, and preserved in a sustainable manner. "Bali's development must be carried out in a patterned, comprehensive, planned, directed, and integrated manner in a single regional territory to realize the lives of Balinese people who are politically sovereign, economically independent, and have a personality in culture,"  Governor Koster added. Another basic consideration is that the Balinese have customs, traditions, arts and culture, as well as valuable local wisdom as identity that is rooted in people's lives and become part of the national cultural wealth according to the diversity of Unity in Diversity;

Governor Koster further said, giving the widest possible autonomy to the regions of Bali should pay attention to the potential of the region in the field of tourism with natural beauty, cultural richness, local wisdom, geographical and demographic conditions, as well as challenges faced in the dynamics of society at the local, national, and internationally, to accelerate the attainment of the welfare of the Balinese in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia based on the values ​​of Pancasila on June 1, 1945.

"The implementation of the development and administration of the regional government of Bali Province has not fully guaranteed the preservation of customs, traditions, arts and culture, and local wisdom as the identity of the Balinese people and has not been able to prevent negative impacts on the environment as a result of uncontrolled use of space, and the occurrence of economic disparities between regions in the province of Bali, and imbalance of development between sectors that make it difficult to realize the welfare of the Balinese people fairly and equally, "Governor Koster explained.

Another basis for consideration is Law Number 64 of 1958 concerning the Establishment of Level I Regions in Bali, West Nusa Tenggara and East Nusa Tenggara, not in accordance with the development of state administration and developments in politics, economy, socio-culture, regional potential, and progress technology, information and communication, in the context of creating competitive regional autonomy, so it needs to be adjusted.

"Material and Systematics of the Bali Province Bill; consists of 12 Chapters and 39 Articles, namely: Chapter I General Provisions; Chapter II Principles and Objectives; Chapter III Position, Limits, and Division of Regions; Chapter IV Patterns and Directions of Bali Development; Chapter V The Bali Development Approach; Chapter VI Bali Development Priority Areas; Chapter VII Thematic Balinese Development; Chapter VIII Economic and Industrial Development; Chapter IX Government Authority of Bali Province; Chapter X Guidelines for Preparing Bali Development Planning Documents; Chapter XI Funding, and Chapter XII Closing Provisions, "he said.

"We request that the Draft Law on the Province of Bali be included in the List of Priority National Legislation Programs in 2020 through the Commission II initiative of the Indonesian Parliament," Governor Koster concluded who is also a former member of the Indonesian Parliament. (

