Human Bone Skeleton Cause a Commotion Citizen

  • 10 Januari 2017
  • 20:48 WITA
  • News
The discovery of human bones skeleton cause a commotion citizen in Lebah Sub Village,  Dajan Peken  Village, Tabanan District on Tuesday January 10,2017

 Human bone skeletons were found in the yard of the house belonging to Ni Putu Nyuliadi,  in Gunung Agung Street, Tabanan. First discovered by I Made Suweden (50) one of the carpenters from Kediri district. It was around 11:00 am  Suweden and his friend a Made Juliada (20) digging holes for safety tank. After digging around 1 meter he saw a similar human bones  in a ruined condition. Position bone head in north side and feet in  south side. Aafter seeing  that, Suweden  to report to the homeowner Ni Putu Nyuliadi and later reported to the Police Tabanan. Not long after Tabanan Police members arrived at the crime scene. Having done by the scene, the Human bone Skeleton  is then taken to Labfor Sanglah Hospital in Denpasar.

