Boping : Leklok Art studio Apply Tri Sakti – Bung Karno Doctrine

  • 20 Januari 2017
  • 20:21 WITA
  • News
Chairman of Tabanan Parliament I Ketut Suryadi Boping give positive appreciation for Leklok Art Studio in Pasekan Sub Village, Peken Dajan village, Tabanan District, Tabanan Regency.  The statement expressed  while he visiting Leklok art studio on  Thursday night (January 19, 2017).

Boping also said Leklok  art studio has implemented Tri sakti creature by Founding Father, Ir Soekarno or Bung Karno. Tri Sakti is meant three things that are emphasized in national life. Namely, politically sovereign, economically self-sufficient, and personality in culture.

"Through in art a real and authentic run Trisakti doctrine that personality in culture. Reviving the arts and culture that we have inherited to save civilization in the state and nation crisis situations, "said Boping.

