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Alamat Redaksi : Jalan Beji nomor 1, Banjar Bongan Gede, Desa Bongan, Kecamatan Tabanan, Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali


After WWF, Tourist Visits Increased to Tanah Lot Destination

Minggu, 26 Mei 2024

BaliTopNews - Journalists never die

TABANAN, - The holding of the 10th World Water Forum (WWF)  2024 in Bali has had a positive impact on increasing tourist visits to Tanah Lot. This international forum, which is attended by heads of state or government, brings thousands of visitors from various countries, who not only take part in the conference but also travel to various top destinations in Bali, including Tanah Lot.

Before WWF was held at the beginning of the month the average number of visits per day was 5,900 people. However, during the World Water Forum, the average number of visits per day increased to 6,400 people. This increase makes a positive contribution but also adds challenges in managing tourist destinations. During the 10th World Water Forum Summit,  Tanah Lot Destination  had a delegation from Japan and a delegation from Hungary, namely Former Hungarian President Janos Ader and his wife Anita Herczegh. Even though the increase in tourist visits has had a positive impact, there are problems that still require serious attention. Cracks in the Batubolong cliffs, one of the main attractions in Tanah Lot, have still not received adequate treatment. “Until now, there has been no clarity from the authorities regarding concrete repair plans. "This condition raises concerns, considering the potential danger that could arise if the crack is not treated immediately," The Manager  of  Tanah Lot Destination  I Wayan Sudiana explained Sunday (May 26, 2024).

He said that the last team from BWS arrived in February 2024 and was still in the preparation stage. budget and implementation methods used. On the other hand, repair and renovation efforts at Tanah Lot also continue. The renovation of Tanah Lot Temple is indeed facing serious challenges, considering that it has to take into account the tidal cycle of sea water to transport materials and other necessities. Apart from that, supporting facilities such as Bale Sakanem are also being repaired to support community and tourism activities. The developer stated that this first stage is targeted for completion in the next few months, before entering the next stage which is more complex and takes longer. With improved facilities and an increase in the number of tourists, it is hoped that Tanah Lot can continue to be a safe and comfortable tourist destination, while waiting for a definitive solutiont to the Batubolong cliff crack problem. (Rls/Btnc


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