Implement Strict Procedures, Ngerebong Tradition in Kesiman Traditional Village Attended by the Governor of Bali
Minggu, 28 November 2021

DENPASAR, - Governor of Bali Wayan Koster accompanied by the Vice Mayor of Denpasar, I Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa, attended the Ngerebong ceremony at Pura Agung Petilan, Kesiman Traditional Village Denpasar City, coinciding with Redite Pon Wuku Medangsia, Sunday (28 November 2021) by implementing strict health protocol.
Bendesa Adat Kesiman, I Ketut Wisna said, Pengrebongan comes from the word Ngerebu which means a party by the king to his people with the existing order in Kesiman Village with the Tata Dewa carrying out the Tata Keraton. This means that the Creator is personified like the order of the palace, there is a king, patih, and so on.
"This blends into a series of activities and there is Napak Pertiwi, the unification of the elements of the motherland and akasa with Ngereh Lemah, with Ngiterin Bhuana at the wantilan of Pura Agung Petilan as the axis," he explained.
Ketut Wisna also said the one-day ritual was attended by 31 banjars in the Kesiman Traditional Village area as well as Ida Bhatara's visits from several temples outside the Kesiman area that have links with Kesiman including Sanur, Bukit Jimbaran, Pamogan, Bekul, and Tohpati.
“From outside the Kesiman Traditional Village, there are Pemogan, Sawangan, Sanur, Bekul, and several other villages. For the time of prayer, adjust," he said.
He also explained that the Pengrebongan ritual is an intangible cultural heritage that has been recognized and registered by the state, through the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture dated October 10, 2018.
According to Wisna, the Ngrebong procession begins by circling the Wantilan Pura Agung Petilan 3 times. While circling the Wantilan, mass kerauhan occurred, so that some pemedek who experienced kerauhan would stab a keris into their body, known as "Ngurek".
On this occasion, the Vice Mayor of Denpasar, I Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa, hopes that the implementation of the Ngerebong Tradition can balance the universe and its contents. It is also hoped that this will continue to increase the sradha and devotion of the people to Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, as well as provide Dharma energy that can radiate positive things to the Balinese universe and neutralize negative things, in order to create a balance of the universe and its contents.(gix)