Prevent Dengue Fever Attack, Banjar Bongan Pala Hold Efforts Niskala

  • 08 April 2016
  • 07:04 WITA
  • News
The outbreaks of dengue fever  in Banjar Bongan Pala , Bongan Village , District Tabanan , recently made local residents misgivings . In fact, dozens of citizens had to be hospitalized because suspect dengue . In addition to the effort it would scale such conduct fogging , Noetic effort also reached local residents in order to suppress the spread of the dengue virus .

Noetic effort taken to hold the ceremony ngelungaan the Penembahan Bethara Lingsir in  Sapu Jagat Temple ,  Bongan Pala . The ceremony is quite rare was held on Wednesday ( 6/4 )  to coincide with death moon.
Perosesi ceremony started at 8:00 am  preceded by a gathering throughout the manners of Banjar Adat Bongan Pala in the local Banjar Hall. Likewise Penembahan Bethara Lingsir in   Sapu Jagat Temple escorted to the hall. After the procession ceremony that was held at Balai Banjar, then around 9:30 am accompanied Penembahan Bethara Lingsir with Balinese traditional music  gamelan orchestra
walked around to banjar Bongan Pala. Starting from the front porch of banjar Bongan Pala, then headed east and then north. Penembahan Bethara Lingsir turn right into the road toward Beji and Setra Bongan Pala. The whole community of  Banjar Bongan Pala accompanying Penenbahan Bethara Lingsir then back toward the Hall of Banjar further towards the west border region of Banjar Adat Bongan Pala. After all surrounded and traversed, Penembahan Bethara Lingsir then back to  Sapu Jagat Temple.
I Wayan Suarya (58) , said that a similar ceremony was held last time around the year 1972. At that time banjar residents attacked the outbreak of cholera that makes people worry. In response community  then held a meeting and agreed hold  ngelungaan ceremony Penembahan Bethara Lingsir Sapu Jagat Temple. "Penembahan Bethara Lingsir then lunga (exit -red) around the train," he explained. After the ceremony was held ngelungaan Penembhan Bethara Lingsir, i cholera attacks subsided. Suarya added Penembahan Bethara Lingsir ngelungaan ceremony today was held back because of the outbreak of viral hemorrhagic fever. Before implementation has also been done banjar meeting then agreed to organize a ceremony ngelungaan Penembahan Bethara Lingsir. "We believe, with the ceremony ngelungaan Penembahan Betara Lingsir, epidemic of a disease  gradually subsided," he said.

