Trans Serasi Program Appreciated By WTN Assessment Team

  • 11 Agustus 2016
  • 14:50 WITA
  • News
Trans Serasi program implemented by the Tabanan regency received appreciation from  Wahana Tata Nugraha (WTN)  assessment team The Ministry of Transportation.

Trans Serasi program which is the flagship program, has been able to become a model for other regions , not only in Bali even areas that are outside the island of Bali has made study visits to the Tabanan regency

This was revealed by the Chairman of the Assessment Team Ministry of Transportation, Mohammad Malawat when presenting the results of the assessment WTN Tabanan regency , on Thursday ( August, 11 ) at the Office of the Regent of Tabanan . The team of the center is received by the Vice Regent of Tabanan I Komang Gede Sanjaya was accompanied by members of Parliament I Made Suardika Tabanan Regency , Head of the Department of Communication and Information Tabanan Regency Made Agus Harta  Wiguna.

Wabup Sanjaya in his speech thanked the assessment team because it already gives positive feedback and appreciation of the excellent programs Tabanan regency in the field of traffic . According to him , a country is considered advanced when traffic was well controlled and run smoothly . "The measure of success of a leader in a country can be seen from the absence of current traffic speeds in the country. When traffic jams smoothly without the slightest constrained , meaning that the leaders could be a success , "he said .
He also hoped Tabanan can be a smart city by completing the CCTV on the highway , so it will be able to monitor motorists .
" We had a lot of dreams for Tabanan, but the dream will not be realized without the help of the central goI . So that required intense communication and coordination between central and local government so that it can be realized Tabanan traffic rules, "he said.

Mohammad Malawat assess featured program Trans Dressage is a breakthrough apt to menngantisipasi traffic problems commonly faced by some district / municipality. " This program is a breakthrough sharpshooter and deserves to be a pilot by other regions . So far the general assessment in Tabanan WTN is good enough just need a little revamping at some point , "he said.

