STISIP Margarana Tabanan Pass Grade B, BAN PT Institutions Accreditation
STISIP Margaran Tabanan pass grade B, BAN PT institution accreditation. Achieved institutions accreditation with a grade of B by virtue of a decision of the National Accreditation Board of College (BAN PT) number 0504 / BAN PT / Akreditasi / PT / 2017.

Chairman STISIP Margarana Tabanan I Wayan Madra Suartana on Thursday (March 16, 2017) said the results of institutional accreditation with grade B was received on Friday (March 10th 2017). He said that, B grades achieved institutional accreditation begins assessment team of assessors from BAN PT on 4 until 6 November 2016 ago.  "Our feeling is extraordinary, it could reach grade B Accreditation of an institution from the National Accreditation Board of College (BAN PT ) " Madra Suartana said. He added, shelf struggle and hard work and cohesiveness of the team so that maximum results can be achieved by STISIP Margarana Tabanan. Affirmed, with institutional accreditation achieved with the value B, STISIP Margarana Tabanan safe from the threat of revocation of operating licenses and may issue a diploma. "In accordance with the directives of the general director ministry of research and technology and college, Kopertis region 8, which is instructed by 2019 the entire private colleges must have institutional accreditation. If you do not pass the accreditation of an institution cannot issue a certificate and operating license revoked, "added Madra. Accreditation is achieved STISIP Margarana institution is valid for 5 years. RRBNC

