Customary Villages in Bali Already Have Regional Regulations Regarding Customary Villages

  • 03 April 2019
  • 13:26 WITA
  • News, Denpasar 
Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2019 concerning Custom Village was stipulated in the plenary session of the Regional House of Representatives of Bali Province in the Plenary Session of the Regional House of Representatives  Bali Province, on Tuesday (2 April 2019), thus the existence of Custom Village in Bali has a definite legal regulation. 
The Governor of Bali, Wayan Koster, in his speech expressed his highest gratitude and appreciation to the Legislative for their hard work and cooperation in completing the discussion on the draft Customary Village Regulation.
Governor Koster, who is also the Chairman  of the DPD PDI-P Bali said that the existence of the Customary Village in Bali was a customary law community unit that had developed and developed for centuries and had original rights, traditional rights, and original autonomy rights governing his own household.
The role of Customary  Villages in Bali in the development of society, nation and state is very strategic so that the Customary Village needs attention from the Central Government and Regional Governments in order to provide protection, fostering and empowerment in order to realize a prosperous at the same time and noetic
Adat Village has a unique / unique way of life with high culture, in the form of customs, religion, tradition, art and culture, and local wisdom. For this reason, the existence of the Adat Village must be maintained and strengthened so that the Adat Village can carry out the original autonomy function and the community has the right to make regulations for the interests of the Indigenous Village. "Do not let traditional villages be abandoned by our young generation, the existence of traditional villages is very important because there are functions that are not possible for other villages. In the future this regulation must be carried out consistently so that with this regional regulations , indigenous villages are able to maintain the sanctity of Bali's natural environment, prosper Balinese i and maintain Balinese culture in accordance with the vision of "Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali", he added.
The Customary Village Regional Regulation which consists of 19 chapters and 103 articles not only addresses the future challenges related to the existence of Customary Villages in Bali but is also intended to recognize, strengthen, empower and independence Indigenous Villages.
In this Regional Regulation , several important things are regulated, including traditional villages as legal subjects and swadharma or religious duties in the  Customary Village which include traditional village manners, tamiu and tamiu manners. The Regional Regulation also regulates the Bendesa Adat ( Heade Of Custom ) chosen by customary villagers in a consensus meeting, the obligation to carry out coaching and empowerment of customary villagers in increasing responsibility for the environment and carrying out waste management in the authority of traditional village authorities.
The Plenary Session was attended by 41 member of Regional House of Representatives  Bali Province, Deputy Governor of Bali  Cok Ace, Regional Secretary of Bali Province Dewa Made Indra, Head of OPD in the Bali Provincial Government. The plenary session took place in different nuances because all participants wore Balinese traditional clothing. ( / Amo Bali ) 

