Formulating Governor's Regulation on Clean Energy, Governor Performs a Public Test Consultation

  • 11 Juni 2019
  • 12:46 WITA
  • News, Denpasar

In accordance with the vision of the Bali Provincial Government, namely "Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali" (Pattern of Development of the Universe) towards the New Era of Bali, specifically the 21st mission of Developing the Life of Krama Bali, Arranging the Region and Clean, Green and Beautiful Environment, Governor of Bali inviting practitioners, academics to the media to participate in the Public Test Consultation of the Governor's Regulation on Clean Energy in Wiswa Sabha Utama, The Governor of Bali office , Denpasar, Tuesday ( June 11, 2019)

,In his remarks read by the Head of the Law and Human Rights Bureau of Bali Province, Ida Bagus Sudarsana, said that the policies and strategies needed to build an independent, equitable and sustainable Clean Energy system in the region to maintain Bali's sanctity and harmony in accordance with Sad Kerthi values  in realizing a clean, green and beautiful island of Bali.

"The draft Governor's Regulation on Clean Energy is the most innovative and the first legal product in Indonesia that was made independently by the Government of Bali Province." Obviously Koster was read by Sudarsana and moderated by Dr. Wayan Rideng.

The several things that will be considered in this Governor Regulation are, a. Power plants must use Clean Energy fuels namely Liquid Natural Gas and Renewable Energy, b. Prepare a clean energy center of excellence to create competency-based HR in the field of ESDM and develop Clean Energy technology, c. Provide roles to the community, MSMEs, Indigenous Villages and Regionally-Owned Enterprises to manage Clean Energy both independently and / or in collaboration with National or Private Owned Enterprises, d. Encouraging government, commercial, industrial buildings including hotels, restaurants and households obliged to use Clean Energy through the roof of solar panels and green buildings, e. Encourage the empowerment of competency-based local human resources for businesses in the Clean Energy sector, and f. Providing incentives and disincentives for energy efficiency and conservation efforts.

"Local wisdom that rests on three main components in Bali: Bali Nature, Krama Bali & Bali Culture are very much considered here as the embodiment of the Bung Karno Mutual Cooperation and Trisakti Economy which actively involves the participation of the Balinese community in the Clean Energy industry. public consultation is very important to get inputs that will improve the draft governor regulation later. "he concluded on the occasion. ( / Amo Bali )

