Towards Quality Tourism, The Bali Province Tourism Office Prepares a Draft Local Regulation on Tour, Denpasar - The Bali Province Tourism Office is designing a draft of the Bali Tourism Implementation Standards. By inviting a number of tourism actors both under the auspices of the Bali Tourism Board, tourism leaders and academics, it is hoped that they can get input for the contents of the Raperda, which was held in the Forum Group Discussion in the Soka meeting room, Bali Provincial Tourism Office, Denpasar, Wednesday (January 15, 2020).

According to the Head of the Bali Province Tourism Office  (Disparda), I Putu Astawa, this FGD is a factor to improve the quality of Bali tourism in the future both in terms of services, destinations, tourist activities, human resources, tourism products and others, and to avoid the decline in the quality of the tourism industry going forward .

In the future, according to him, in the Local Regulation the four pillars, including the pillars of destiny, industry, our marketing and the pillars of our institutions. All must follow the standards that we set in the local regulation  include what products, services like, what management.

According to him, everything related to tourism on this island must have a standard, then it will be contained in article by article in the Regional Regulation. "We have to direct all standardized and everything will be explained in the articles in the Perda. Now we are socializing, FGDs with the hope of perfecting the draft that we have compiled. To be discussed together. Furthermore, it will be a local regulation  that will be discussed between the executive and the legislature, "he explained.

Astawa continued, the achievement of foreign tourist arrivals (tourists) from 2018 to 2019 increased, although slightly slowed. An increase of about 200 thousands of foreign tourists due to political years, disasters issues and global economic conditions that have not been stable. The Provincial Government of Bali, he said, will not only target the number in the future, but also how tourists can stay longer and spend more.

He added, there was a lot of potential to increase tourist stays because Bali had diverse tourism activities ranging from South, East, West and North Bali. In addition, marine tourism activities are believed to be able to increase the length of stay of tourists.

"Our hope going forward, in addition to the number of more higher quality in numbers more. 10 to 15 percent increase every year. Hope in 2020, at least 6.5 million foreign tourists," Astawa hope. (

