Australia and Timor Leste Following Prisai Diri Championship in Tabanan

  • 01 Desember 2016
  • 20:36 WITA
  • News
Australia and Timor Leste Countries following Silat Prisai Diri National Championship inter school III for Trophy Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X.

Perisai Diri National Championship among students that was held from 2 to December 7, 2016 in  Debes Sports Stadium in Tabanan, also attended by about 400 students from various regions in Indonesia.

Nyoman Yamadhiputra as committee Perisai Diri National Championship, on Thursday 1 December 2016, said that the participants from elementary, middle and high school from various regions in Indonesia.  " Australia and Timor Leste countries will also be participants," he explained.

Brenden Martin chairman of foreign relations organization relationship in Prisai Diri Center  said that Prisai Diri existing in various countries around the world. Including Australia and Timor Leste. Meanwhile Jordon Horinggton (16)  Australian Pisai Diri  athlete said that she was very interested in Prisai Diri . She practice  and learn Prisai Diri since one years ago and has shown a couple of achievements. "I am very interested in the Prisai Diri, related to self-defense techniques,” she said.

