Tanah Lot Profit Share to Custom Village in Kediri District

  • 02 Maret 2017
  • 17:06 WITA
  • News

Tanah Lot destination profit share to some temples in Tanah Lot area and 23 customs village in Kediri District, Tabanan Regency in  Hall of Pakendungan Temple, Tanah Lot, on Thursday, March 2, 2017. Tanah Lot profit was submitted by The Regent of Tabanan Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti.

Regent Eka, on behalf of Tabanan Government regency expressed appreciation for the performance and dedication of the whole range of operational management of Tanah Lot, and employees. And also support from Beraban community and Kediri district.

"Its great, we proud of our inheritance, And the target of tourism minister  8 million tourist visiting Bali. Tabanan itself will contribute 4 million tourists "said Regent Eka
She hopes  the funds donation is beneficial for conserve customs and cultures. " Tanah Lot should be laid out better since it is a sacred area so it should not be weird and should be rigorously enforced,"  She said.RRBNC

