Governor of Bali Wayan Koster Launched Bali Local Regulatios Number 4 of 2020 Concerning Strengthening and Advancing Bali Culture

  • 16 Juli 2020
  • 16:07 WITA
  • News

DENPASAR, - Governor of Bali Wayan Koster launched Local Regulatios No. 4 of 2020 concerning Strengthening and Advancing Bali Culture, at the Bali Museum, Thursday, July 16, 2020.


According to Koster, the strengthening and promotion of Balinese culture is an anticipation of the changing dynamics of society that are local, national, and global that have an impact on the existence of Balinese culture and its development, as well as strengthening national culture and restoring Bali as the center of world civilization / Bali Padma Bhuwana.


This local Regulatios contains 20 Chapters and 81 Articles which are an effort to Strengthen and Promote Culture based on the principles imbued with the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana sourced from Sad Kerthi's local wisdom, covering the principles of spirituality, local wisdom, humanity, mutual cooperation and welfare principles held in one regional unit, one island, one pattern, and one governance based on purity, truth, goodness, and beauty.

This arrangement aims to be a guide in strengthening Balinese Krama identity, protecting Cultural values, developing Culture to enhance cultural resilience and the contribution of Balinese culture to world civilization, fostering Culture in the lives of individuals, communities and institutions, increasing welfare and harmony in living arrangements Krama Bali is niskala and sakala, and increases cultural appreciation and appreciation for perpetrators of Strengthening and Advancing Culture.


In realizing the objectives to be achieved, the scope of this regional regulation comprehensively regulates 15 aspects, concerning objects of cultural strengthening and advancement, reinforcement and advancement, duties and authority, Balinese cultural assemblies, cultural ecosystems, cultural appreciation, Bali Arts Festival, Jantra Bali Tradition, Jani Bali Art Festival, World Cultural Celebration, awards, active role of the community, facilities and infrastructure, funding, sanctions.


The 19 Objects of Strengthening and Promoting Culture include local wisdom, rites, sacred objects, traditional knowledge, traditional technology, traditional medicine, oral traditions, manuscripts, rites, customs, arts, traditional architecture, languages ​​and scripts, folk games, traditional sports, craft, design, fashion and food. The object of strengthening and promoting culture comes from the original Balinese cultural heritage, uptake culture, and / or the results of new Balinese creations.


New things that are regulated in this Local Regulatios  are: Ceraken Culture of Bali as an integrated cultural data management system based on digital technology, Jantra Bali Tradition as an appreciation of traditional culture to strengthen and promote local wisdom, traditional knowledge, traditional technology, traditional medicine, traditional folk games and sports traditional sports, the Jani Bali Art Festival is a vehicle for the development of modern art, contemporary art and innovative arts; and World Cultural Celebration as an effort of cultural diplomacy in international / world forums to restore Bali as the center of world civilization / Padma Bhuwana. The Bali Arts Festival, the Bali Tradition Jantra, the Jani Bali Art Festival, and the World Cultural Celebration are held every year.


New things also regulated in this Perda are the formation of the Bali Cultural Council (MKB) which has the task: providing advice and consideration to the Government in the context of strengthening and promoting culture; assist the Office in conducting data collection, standardization and certification of institutions and human resources in the field of Culture. (gix)

