Dewa Indra Appreciates the Establishment of the Financial Auditing Professional Organization

  • 04 Agustus 2020
  • 22:08 WITA
  • News

DENPASAR, - Regional Secretary of the Bali Province Dewa Made Indra welcomed positively and appreciated the establishment of the State Financial Inspection Institute (IPKN), a professional organization that houses state financial auditors. He emphasized the statement while attending a socialization event on the establishment of the IPKN in the Hall of the Bali Representative Office of the Republic of Indonesia, Tuesday, August 4, 2020.


According to Dewa Indra, the appreciation was appropriate because this organization was formed with a positive intention and goal, namely to increase the professionalism of the examining officials. Moreover, this organization will also develop a code of ethics which guides guiding officials in carrying out their duties more professionally. Dewa Indra added, the government really needed credible professional examining officials because it was related to public trust. "If the examining official is professional, then public trust in the governance of government financial administration will be better and this will certainly give a positive aura to the face of bureaucracy," he explained. He hopes that the formation of IPKN will be part of efforts to realize a more professional examination system.


Meanwhile, the Head of the BPK RI Bali Representative Sri Haryono Suliyanto explained, the establishment of the IPKN was the mandate of Permenpan RB Number 49 of 2018 concerning the Functional Position of the Examiner. The RB Permenpan stipulates that "BPK is tasked with facilitating the formation of professional organizations for the Functional Position of the Examiner" and "Formation of professional organizations no later than 5 (five) years after the Regulation of the Minister of PAN and RB is promulgated.


The establishment of IPKN aims to develop and utilize the potential of examiners for the interests of the nation and state. IPKN conducts activities including developing inspection standards, developing methodologies, techniques, and approaches and good audit practices. It also organizes professional development activities for members, organizes educational activities for the community, and collaborates with other professional organizations in national and international scope.


The socialization activity was also followed up with the determination of the names sitting in the management of the Bali Regional IKPN. BPK RI Chairperson Sri Haryono Suliyanto held the position of chairman, while Bali Provincial Secretary Dewa Made Indra sat on the Consultative Board along with two others, namely the Chairperson of the Bali Accountants Association (IAI) of Bali Made Gede Wirakusuma and Prof. Dr. I Made Arya Utama. While the Head of the BPKP Bali Representative Ari Dwikora Tono and the Inspector of the Province of Bali I Wayan Sugiada each occupied the positions of Chairman I and Chair II. (Gix)

