To Increase Local Own Revenue, Governor Koster Optimizes Regional Assets

  • 20 Oktober 2020
  • 20:10 WITA
  • News

DENPASAR, - Governor of Bali Wayan Koster hopes to reduce the dependence of the Bali Provincial Government on motorized vehicles that are not environmentally friendly by optimizing the assets owned by the Bali Provincial Government.


Therefore, he welcomed the holding of the Bali Province Regional Revenue Optimization Coordination Meeting and Regional Asset Management which presented the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) at the Wiswa Sabha Utama Building, Bali Governor's Office, Renon, Denpasar, Tuesday, October 20, 2020.


Governor Koster said that as a tourist destination, Bali's nature must be well preserved. More and more vehicles will cause congestion with high vehicle fumes making air quality decrease.


"Because of that, frankly, I am no longer interested in pushing the local revenue (PAD) from motorized vehicles. So we have to look for other schemes to increase this region's original income so as not to cause environmental problems as well as other social problems, and in my opinion, among them that must be worked on properly are so many assets owned by the Bali Provincial Government, " he said.


Governor Koster added that through this Coordination Meeting, it is hoped that the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission will provide guidance and reference experiences in other areas that can be applied in Bali. According to him, the Bali Provincial Government under his leadership continues to make efforts to improve governance so that it is better.


Regarding the seven areas of Korsupgah KPK RI intervention, Governor Koster admitted that he had instructed him to carry it out in an orderly manner, and he continued to monitor its implementation so that the achievements of the MCP (Monitoring Center for Prevention) in Korsupgah Province of Bali currently reached 84.30 percent.


"It is relatively high compared to other provinces in Indonesia. I think it can still be stimulated. Please just target for next year. I will be supervising, "Koster said. 


Head of the Regional IX Prevention Task Force KPK Sugeng Basuki said the MCP Bali score of 84 was a good score. Because the current national standard is at position 40 and a value of 75 is already in the good category.


Sugeng said Bali is expected to become the top three in Indonesia. "Our hope is with the province of Bali, with the commitment of the Governor to be enthusiastic about raising the MCP value. We hope that in 2020 Bali will be raised in the top 3," he said.


According to him, MCP is an indicator of better governance. Because of that, the prosecution usually leads to an area whose value is still below 40.


Sugeng said of the 7 interventions carried out by Korsupgah, in 2020 the theme is to increase the optimization of regional income and save the security of regional assets. Two things, according to him, have become many problems before. According to him, with an increase in the optimization of regional income, the welfare of ASN in the regional government will also increase, then the condition of the community will also get better.


The tough test that has hit Bali tourism at this time demands the reliability of the Bali Provincial Government to innovate so that it can survive this situation. "Actually, there are still a lot of revenues that we can get from this regional revenue optimization activity," he said.


Regional Secretary of Bali Province Dewa Made Indra said that the Bali Provincial Government has followed up on directions for improving governance management that are expected by the KPK RI. One of them is in the field of asset management, where at the end of this year it is hoped that all the assets of the Bali Provincial Government will be certified. (Gix)


