Chairperson of The TP PKK Bali Province Becomes a Keynote Speaker for the Interactive Dialogue 'Parenting of Children and Teenagers in the Digital Age'

The Chairperson of The TP PKK Bali Province Putri Koster was a keynote speaker in an interactive dialogue

DENPASAR, - The Chairperson of The TP PKK Bali Province Putri Koster was a keynote speaker in an interactive dialogue with the theme Parenting for Children and Teenagers in the Digital Age  on  The Radio Flamboyan Bali Indah, Denpasar, Thursday (May 19, 2022)


Starting her direction, Putri Koster said that the Covid 19 pandemic had forced us to use the digital world more often and more broadly in various aspects of life. The use of digital media certainly has a positive impact, facilitating access to communication and other positive impacts. "But on the other hand, the use of digital media also has a negative impact that we must anticipate, especially for children and the younger generation," Putri Koster said. 


The woman who has nickname  Bunda Putri added that educating children in today's digital era is a challenge for parents. The rapid development of digital technology has a negative impact on the development of the nation's generations both physically and psychologically if parents are negligent in responding to these technological developments. Physically, the use of gadgets can reduce the physical activity of children and can affect their health as a result of the radiation generated. On the other hand, the use of gadgets without control also has a psychological impact on children which results in a loss of confidence in children, children become restless, want something instantly and give up easily.


Bunda Putri added that to anticipate the negative impact of this digital development, the role of parents is very important. It is undeniable that parents and their children were born in different eras or times. For this reason, as parents, we must strengthen the foundation of love, educate, remind, monitor as well as be an example and provide examples of the use of these gadgets. For example, imposing restrictions on the use of gadgets and directing children to more productive activities. Parents must also be able to set an example and be an example of the rules or agreements that have been made in the family.

She said that the PKK in its movement will continue to strive to carry out socialization by presenting experts to educate the public, especially parents, teenagers and children regarding the negative impacts of the digital world and what efforts can be done to prevent it.


Meanwhile, the Head of STMIK Primakara I Made Artana who was also present as a resource person at the event said that parents must realize that their children are born from a different era from them or it can be said that today's children are born in the digital age. "We as parents must be able to build bridges so that we can connect with children and can educate them according to existing conditions," he explained.

The role of parents is very important in reducing the negative impact of using digital media, one of which is by equipping children with religious values, diverting activities to more productive things and no less important is making an agreement on the rules for using gadgets that are obeyed by both children and parents. . "Children are also given an understanding of ethics and manners in surfing in cyberspace and sorting the information obtained, thus the rapid development of digital technology can have a positive impact and we can avoid the negative impacts," he concluded. (Rls/Btnc) 

