KemenPAN-RB Team Score Bureaucratic Reform Index and the Bali Provincial Government SAKIP

  • 24 Agustus 2020
  • 22:08 WITA
  • News

DENPASAR, - A team from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN-RB) conducted an assessment of the bureaucratic reform index and the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) of the Bali Provincial Government. The assessment is carried out virtually Monday, August 24, 2020.


Vice Governor of Bali Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Cok Ace) gave a number of stresses related to this activity. According to him, Bureaucratic Reform and SAKIP are one of President Jokowi's priority programs which are in line with the vision of Bali Province "Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali through the Universal Development Plan Towards a New Era of Bali" in the 22nd mission, namely "Developing an effective local governance system. , open, transparent, accountable and clean and improve integrated public services that are fast, sure and cheap ”. According to him, Bureaucratic Reform and SAKIP are priority programs, because without a bureaucracy that is clean, accountable, with integrity and has a spirit of service, priority programs of the Bali Provincial Government that provide great benefits and impacts for Balinese manners will not be carried out properly. He likens the bureaucrat as an engine for development whose performance must be maintained and enhanced.


Through this assessment, he hopes that there will be changes in government performance through SAKIP in which program activities are carried out effectively and efficiently, ensuring that budgets are used for priority activity programs that support the achievement of development goals and budget savings by cross cutting program activities that do not support organizational performance. "With performance management, I am sure that the priority programs of the Bali Provincial Government can be quickly realized. All of this can only be done if our bureaucracy is encouraged to carry out a fundamental transformation, namely building an accountable government system, "he said.


He also conveyed the commitment of the Bali Provincial Government in realizing a good and clean bureaucracy. The spirit of change is manifested by accelerating 8 areas of change in the Bureaucratic Reform. Currently, the Provincial Government of Bali is aggressively promoting digital transformation.


Digitalization is a necessity in an effort to increase transparency and improve the quality of services to the community, especially in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the New Era of Balinese life, the Bali Provincial Government continues to perform and provide public services by utilizing developments in information technology. He realizes that conventional administration and public services will not survive during the Covid-19 pandemic, so digital culture is the key to accelerating bureaucratic reform.


In the context of Bureaucratic Reform, he conveyed a number of achievements that have been achieved by the Bali Provincial Government based on the results of the evaluation conducted by the central government. These achievements include seven consecutive WTP opinions, the level of compliance of the State Organizer's Wealth Report (LHKPN) is very good, namely 100%, the SPIP Maturity Level at level 3, the maturity level of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) at level 3, Index Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) category BB with a score of 78, the maturity level of the Goods and Services Procurement Unit (UKPBJ) at level 3 and the Public Information Disclosure Index towards informative with a value of 85.87. Other achievements are the predicate of the Corruption-Free Zone Integrity Zone (ZI / WBK) for the Bali Mandara Eye Hospital service unit, good governance of SP4N-LAPOR integrated complaint facilities and assessment of public service compliance from the Indonesian Ombudsman in the Green Zone. This proves the seriousness of the ranks of the Bali Provincial Government in carrying out bureaucratic reform.


In the midst of various efforts made by the Bali provincial government, he realized that reforming the bureaucracy still needed to be optimized. He argues, the evaluation of the RB and SAKIP is a very appropriate moment to determine the extent to which the implementation of bureaucratic reform has been carried out so that continuous improvement can be made so that development programs carried out by the Bali Provincial Government run effectively, are right on target and provide beneficial benefits. as much as possible for the welfare of all Balinese manners.


Meanwhile, Assistant Deputy for Bureaucratic Reform Policy Formulation, Apparatus Accountability and Supervision Kamaruddin, Ak., M.Sc expressed his appreciation for the harmonious relationship that has been successfully built by the ranks of the Bali Provincial Government and the Regency / City Government. He hopes that this can become an example for other regions in Indonesia. Kamarudin added, through this evaluation activity KemenPAN-RB wanted to obtain an overview of the extent to which bureaucratic reform has been implemented in each region. In addition, the assessment is also directed to determine the extent to which local governments have followed up on recommendations from the previous year's assessment process. In the bureaucratic reform index and SAKIP, Kamarudin called Bali an area that was included in the top class or received a very good rating.


Bali Provincial Secretary Dewa Made Indra explained various steps related to increasing the index of bureaucratic reform and SAKIP. He conveyed that the provincial government will continue to evaluate SAKIP to improve and perfect the program which is the vision and mission for the welfare of the people of Bali Province, in particular building and strengthening a strong digital ecosystem including hardware, software, behavior (the behavior of each person being assessed) , humanware and brandware. In addition, Secretary Dewa Indra also emphasized that the Balinese government bureaucracy has implemented electronic Office including electronic signature barcodes, with the exception of correspondence which does require a wet signature and stamp. This electronic signature has received an official certificate from the National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BCSN). And all treasurers in the Provincial Government of Bali only have a payment system without carrying money or cash payment instruments.


Bali Province also has a regional research and innovation agency as an indication that the Balinese government will continue to innovate and keep moving. Specifically for the management sector that characterizes the government, the Bali Regional Secretary explained that his party continues to make breakthroughs towards digital bureaucracy, namely the digital system towards the Bali smart island, one of which is to streamline the number of OPDs from 36 to 31 institutional organizations in 2019.


To facilitate supervision of the procurement of goods and services, the Provincial Government of Bali uses E_Market Place and is very transparent in networking with the KPK, besides that online PHRI is also implemented in Bali, making it easier for relevant government agencies to monitor.


Three hospitals in Bali are fully accredited, UKPBJ work unit procurement of goods and services is a corruption prone point, therefore this UKPBJ system is worked on optimally and maximally to implement anti-bribery and transparent management so that UKPBJ Bali gets level 3 by proving ownership of an ISO certificate 37001 2016 and is the only public service unit government unit in Bali. (Gix)


