Dewa Made Indra Asks for Commissioners, Public Accountants and Financial Fervices Authority to keep an eye on Jamkrida Bali Mandara

  • 12 Februari 2020
  • 23:02 WITA
  • News, DENPASAR -Bali Provincial Secretary Dewa Made Indra attended and attended the Jamkrida Bali Mandara General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) in the Wiswasabha Pratama Meeting Room, Bali Governor's Office, Thursday ( February 13, 2020).

Also attending the Bali Mandara Jamkrida AGM were among the shareholders in Bali as many as 10 shareholders. JBM President Commissioner, JBM Independent Commissioner and related notaries.

In his direction, Dewa Made Indra said that PT Jamkrida Bali Mandara was founded with an idealism to strengthen the local people's economy in Bali. "So it's not just PTs who are looking for provit alone," emphasized Dewa Indra. According to him, forestry in the popular economy in Bali is particularly important given Bali's biggest contribution to the GRDP comes from the tourism sector, but the condition of tourism is very vulnerable so it needs economic strengthening for the people's sector in Bali.

According to Sekda Dewa Indra, the performance measure of this PT is as much as the idealism that can be achieved by PT Jamkirda Bali Mandara. For this reason, it is hoped that the strengthening of people's economy in the local community can be the main focus of the goals of PT. Jamkrida Bali Mandara. Sekda Dewa Indra added, in 2020 the Bali Provincial Government will increase its shares by Rp 30 billion, and will also be followed by other shareholders. With the addition of these shares, Jamkrida is expected to further maximize the strengthening of the people's economy in Bali. "I ask that the supervisors of Jamkrida both commissioners, public accounting commission and OJK continue to oversee Jamkrida Bali Mandara. So that economic stability can continue to run straight, smoothly and provide the best impact on society, "Dewa Made Indra said.

Responding to the direction of Regional Secretary Dewa Made Indra, Chief Director of JBM Ketut Widiana Karya as the controlling shareholder, expressed his gratitude for the direction. "We will carry out the mandate to the maximum and to the best of it," Ketut Widiana Karya  explained.

Meanwhile, in his report, Karya said that several realization had been carried out in 2019. Where the guarantor ceiling for the 2019 period increased by 167% from the guarantee ceiling for the 2018 period. Whereas for the guaranteed amount increased by 134% from 2018, with a total guaranteed up to December 2019 247,428 guaranteed.

He explained, for business partners there were 592 partners or an increase of 121% from 2018."Profits obtained in 2019 reached 104% of the 2019 RKAP target, and grew 22% from 2018 profits," he said. He added,of all that has been done by Jamkrida then in accordance with the financial health level calculation of the Insurance Agency based on SE Number 18 / SEOJK.05 / 2018, where JBM is included in the healthy category. And the audit results of the public accounting firm are also with Fair Opinion. (

